A New Year ... Wait, Who Was I Again?

Posted on 08/01/2024


Ditch the idea of becoming someone else this year and instead embrace the experiences and triumphs, filled with laughter, wobbly steps, and compassion for the wonderful person you are becoming, and have always been.

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January is often the month of ever-optimistic "New Year, New Me" mantras that, let's be honest, sometimes fizzle faster than a sparkler stuck in a puddle. We march into the new year vowing to become productivity ninjas, spin class superstars, and kale-munching saints, only to find ourselves in February and wondering where that smoothie blender went. 

  • Not this year! Think of the friend or loved one, we don't berate them for little imperfections. Instead, we offer encouragement, and celebrate their strengths and quirks alongside any room for growth.  

    This year let's extend that same loving perspective to ourselves. Ditch the idea of becoming someone else and instead embrace the experiences and triumphs, filled with laughter, wobbly steps, and compassion for the wonderful person you are becoming, and have always been. 

    That doesn't mean ignoring areas for growth, though. Try thinking of your personal review as a yoga practice – inward reflection, gentle stretching, and finding the sweet spot between pushing yourself and accepting your limitations.

Here's how:

  • Tip #1: Celebrate Your Savasanas: Don't just list the things you "should" do; acknowledge what you've already achieved. You made it this far into our blog?! High five! Did you manage to get dressed today? Gold star! Every little victory deserves a celebration. 
  • Tip #2: Ditch the Downward Dog of Doom: Swap negative self-talk for encouraging whispers. Instead of "I'm such a couch potato," try "I deserve a rest day." Replace "I'll never master downward-facing dog" with “I'll bend my knees a little more and that’s what my body needs today." Kindness goes a long way, even with yourself. 
  • Tip #3: Make Small Intentions, Not Resolutions: If the "run a marathon" resolution isn’t working for you, opt for "take the stairs more often." You're more likely to stick with something small and doable – plus, who knows, you might actually start to like those stairs (and the extra quad workout, let's be honest). 

Remember, lasting change is a marathon, not a sprint. By focusing on self-compassion, acknowledging your wins, and setting achievable goals, you can make this year less about "fixing" yourself and more about embracing the wonderful, messy, ever-evolving masterpiece that is you.  

happiness in 2024

So to all of our wonderful yogis and non-yogis alike, make this year a joyful celebration of the awesome person you are, resolutions or not.  

Namaste, and Happy New You (but really, you were pretty great already)! 

If more yoga is one of your small intentions, why not have a look at our flexible membership options. You can even join us with Pay as you go so you don't have to commit too much, too soon! Just one class this year could be one of your victories!