Having fun and enjoying a healthy work life balance

Posted on 19/07/2023

Wellbeing, Corporate

Work life balance, employee wellbeing, productivity – phrases that get banded around a lot in the corporate world. But it’s not as simple as putting out cake in the office kitchen!

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In this blog we explore the true benefits of work life balance and provide a simple solution to enable you and/or your colleagues to break away from the desk and take some time for your mental and physical wellbeing. Contact us to find out more about our corporate events. 

Activities in the workplace

Having fun in the workplace is an important aspect of work-life balance. While the odd pizza party doesn’t quite cut it for employee wellbeing anymore, activities and a positive work environment can help to reduce stress, improve employee engagement and productivity, and promote overall well-being.

The nature of work can often be demanding and stressful, and having the opportunity to take a break and engage in something that makes you smile can help to reduce stress levels and prevent burn-out.

When employees are engaged and motivated, they are more likely to be productive and to perform at a higher level and can also help create a sense of community among employees. When employees feel like they are part of a team and that their contributions are valued, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and to stay with a company for the long-term.

What is work life balance?

When employees can balance their work and personal lives, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and to be more productive. Flexible working practices that have become more the norm since the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in more and more employees working from home, exercising before work or at lunch and the covid hangover of the wellbeing walk seems to have stuck around!

By making sure that work is not only productive but enjoyable, employees will find a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Yoga and employee wellbeing

Yoga is a valuable activity for this as it is focussed on not only moving the body but calming the mind and taking thoughts away from everyday stressors.

The beauty of yoga is that it can be done anywhere, with anyone!

employee wellbeing

Whether that’s alone from home for a quick pick me up or as part of a group which creates a shared experience and enhances that feeling of community.

At Grace & Gravity we are passionate about providing a space for all to take some time out. Whether this is by signing up for our ZenDen and enjoying on-demand yoga classes wherever you are, joining one of our lunchtime classes or perhaps we can help you deliver a team yoga workshop and team building day for you and your colleagues.

Both of our studios allow us to have the option to practice outside, which is great for a summer team activity and we are lucky enough to have the use of a larger workshop spaces that can hold up to 50 people if you have a larger team. If you have a space that would be suitable we would also love to come to you so you and your teams can practice somewhere familiar if that’s preferred.

If this is something you are interested in, we would love to chat with you about how we can shape and tailor an event specifically for your group and help you and your team stay happy and healthy both in and outside of work.

Email us now: hello@graceandgravity.studio